August Stated Meeting

Event Details

Aloha Brethren, Friendly Reminder we are having our Next Hybrid Stated Meeting on August 4, 2021

We hope you all are well and in good spirits

RSVP is no longer required, should you wish to attend Lodge Physically. Although we are looking forward to welcoming back our brethren to the Lodge, we still need to follow both the State Laws and the Grand Master's Decision 2020-08. We also increased the number to 25 people allowed in the building. The reason for this is the safety of all our members, and to help police a large gathering. All participation in the Temple is voluntary. Upon arrival, we will check your temperature and have you sign a waiver. The Lodge will be hosting a Hybrid Stated Meeting, allowing members to participate in our meeting safely, both physically and in virtual attendance. Please remember to have your mask on while indoors.

Doors will Open at 5:45 PM
Refreshments at: 6:00 PM
Zoom Room Open at 7:15 PM
Stated Meeting: 7:30 PM