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Congratulations to our newly initiated DeMolays, Hawaiian Chapter!

Demolay 2015
Photo courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
Wednesday October 14th marked a special day for the Hawaiian Lodge as Past Master Worshipful Eduardo Abutin raised his son, Joshua Abutin to the 1st degree of Masonry. It was an amazing night and congratulations Joshua!


Joshua Abutin

Photos courtesy of Brother David Gomes and Brother Micke
The 2015 Past Masters Night Gala was held on September 19th, 2015 at the beautiful Hale Koa. Brethren of the Hawaiian Lodge, family and friends gathered in the ballroom enjoying an extravagant dinner night of and dancing.

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Photo courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
On September 16th, 2015 the brethren of Hawaiian Lodge had their annual Past Masters Night conferring Brother Leo Urbieta to the 3rd degree. As always, the Past Masters performed an incredible degree witnessed by the many in attendance!

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Photos courtesy of Worshipful Alex Escasa
On August 12th, 2015 brethren of the Hawaiian Lodge celebrated a historic moment as brother Alfred Wong received his 50 year pin for his service with Hawaiian Lodge. The pin was presented by Grand Lodge Inspector, Worshipful Gary Graham and Hawaiian Lodge's Worshipful Chris Kaminaka.



Photo courtesy of Brother Anthony Pangilinan
Congratulations Brother Manny De Jesus and Brother Roberto Prestosa on receiving your first degree with the Hawaiian Lodge!

Photo courtesy of Worshipful Alexander Escasa
The Grand Lodge held a one day class this year for all blue lodges and we congratulate all the brothers who became 3rd Degree Master Masons!

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Photos courtesy of Brother Micke
The annual Hawaiian Lodge Picnic was held on July 12th, 2015 at the Shriners Beach house in Waimanalo. Brothers from Hawaiian Lodge including several other blue lodges from Hawaii along with their family and friends celebrated great food, music and fellowship under the sun and blue waters of Waiamanlo beach.

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Photos courtesy of Brother Micke