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On July 4th, 2015 brethren from several lodges around the island including the Hawaiian Lodge marched in the 69th Annual Independance Day Parade in Kailua. A big thanks to the Rainbow Girls as well as the Demolay Boys who also participated in the big event!


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Photos courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
We would like to share a painting created by a fellow Brother from the Philippines. Enjoy!

Philippines Painting
Artist: Brother Alvin Hipolito
From: Pintong Bato Lodge #51 of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines
Congratulations Brother Nestor Tani, Brother Carlito Maranan and Brother Mark San Diego Jr. on your 1st Degree Conferral with the Hawaiian Lodge!


Photos courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
Thank you for all the brethren, friends, and family for paying tribute and respect to our departed Masonic brothers this past Memorial Day at the Makiki Temple.

Photos courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
Congratulations to Brother Urbieta on receiving your Fellowcraft Degree with the Hawaiian Lodge!

Photo courtesy of Brother Ronnie Rono
The Grand Lodge of Hawaii will be hosting the Annual Communication from April 16-18 at the Waikaloa Marriott Resort on the Big Island. Events included will be the Grand Lodge Installation and a Grand Lodge Luau! For more information, please visit the Grand Lodge of Hawaii website.

Congratulations brother Kaleo Gagne on receiving your 3rd degree with the Hawaiian Lodge! Great work!

Photo courtesy of Worshipful Alex Escasa
During our April Stated Meeting Guy Hess was appointed Junior Warden for the Hawaiian Lodge. Congratulations Guy!

Most Worshipful Richard B. Huston was also in presence and presented us with a beautiful speech as it was his last time to speak as Grand Master for the State of Hawaii for the Hawaiian Lodge.

Photos courtesy of brother Anthony Pangilinan
Congratulations brother Justin Morea on receiving your 3rd degree with Hawaiian Lodge! Also in attendance were brothers from Oak Lawn, IL - Alexander Lopez and Martin Gonzales. Mahalo for visiting us!

Photos courtesy of Worshipful Alex Escasa