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First stated meeting of 2023 with our new master of the Lodge - Worshipful JP Punzalan.

Mahalo to everyone who attended the Hawaiian Lodge 2022 Christmas Party!

Photo courtesy of Worshipful JP Punzalan
Congratulations to the newly appointed officers of Hawaiian Lodge F&AM and to our new Master - Worshipful JP Punzalan!

Photos courtesy of Worshipful JP Punzalan
On behalf of the Hawaiian Lodge officer line, we hope all our families enjoyed our annual Thanksgiving Dinner & Entertainment. Thank you for sharing this special night with us!

Photos courtesy of Worshipful Rudy Alvarado
Congratulations Brother Jack Hobbs on being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason and Broter Jerome Adarna Jr. for an excellent proficiency exam!


Photo courtesy of Worshipful Dino J. Fernandez
Congratulations Brother Jerome Adarna Jr. on receiving the 1st degree with Hawaiian Lodge!

Congratulations Brother Jack Hobbs on being passed to the degree of fellow craft!


Photo courtesy of Worshipful Dino Fernandez
Congratulations to all! Photos courtesy of Bro Gino Soquena