February 2012
Aloha Brethren,
The first month of the year passed fleetingly. After the first stated meeting, Hawaiian Lodge did a third degree courtesy conferral on Kauai and the HL brethren attended their installation of officers. I like to thank the brethren who participated in the raising of the newest Kauai Lodge Brother. I also thank the Kauai brethren for their warm fraternal reception and accommodation.
Likewise, mahalo to HL brethren who joined us in gracing the installation of the officers of Ko’olau Lodge at the Waimanalo Shriners Beach Club on January 18. Expression of support such as this helps build goodwill within the Craft.
I also thank the Schofield Lodge for extending their invitation to the Hawaiian Lodge officers to attend their Masonic instruction. The brethren who attended the two-hour instruction found it very helpful.
We anticipate a busy schedule this month. We will have two 3rd degree conferral ceremonies, and will conclude the month with a Masonic education. Please support Bros. Jerome Cinco and Jameson Mariano by attending their raising on February 8 and 15, respectively. The Masonic education scheduled on the 29th will enrich our knowledge of the history of Hawaii Freemasonry, as well as the holding of efficient meetings.
Masonic education will be a major thrust this year and we will take every opportunity to hone our skills in and advance our knowledge and understanding of the Craft.
We will also endeavor to bring a positive image of the fraternity in the community. On President’s Day, February 20, we will volunteer in one of Hawaii’s largest participatory race -- the Great Aloha Run. I enjoin every brother Mason to take part in this huge event. Let us make Freemasonry visible to over 15,000 runners and walkers and make them see that our fraternity is a partner of the community.
Finally, the Scholarship Committee will soon accept applications from eligible students. Such scholarships will not be limited to children of Hawaiian Lodge members but open to the public, thus making it even more competitive. Members of Hawaiian Lodge should encourage their children to apply and study hard. Ten scholarships are available at $1,000 per student.
May Brotherly Love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us.
Brother Raymund Liongson
Worshipful Master, Hawaiian Lodge